Visa Compelling Evidence 3.0 (or CE3.0) enables you to provide evidence of historical purchases. You can use it to prove that a legitimate cardholder was responsible for a disputed transaction. For more information, see reason code 10.4 Fraudulent Transaction - Card Absent Environment.
The claim of fraud will be rejected if you can demonstrate that information (for example, device fingerprint, IP address) used in the current dispute was associated with two or more previous undisputed transactions.
Which disputes are eligible for Visa Compelling Evidence 3.0?
Visa disputes with a reason code 10.4 (commonly linked to first-party, or friendly, fraud) are eligible. You will be able to represent a dispute using Visa Compelling Evidence if you can supply two historical transactions, from the same card, that meet the following criteria:
- they are between 120 and 365 days old
- processed them
- they don’t have any fraud chargebacks reported against them
- they share two of the following data points: device ID, IP address, shipping address, user ID
How do I submit data?
You will be required to provide both normal evidence and CE3.0 evidence. This will ensure that we fallback to normal evidence if Visa rejects the CE3.0 evidence.
To successfully win the dispute, you’ll need to supply either the (unencrypted) device ID or the IP address (in any format), plus the shipping address and the user/login ID. If you supply the user/login ID, it should be a single chain of characters.
Use our risk.js package to start collecting this information for future disputes representment.
You will also need to provide a description of the goods or services that were associated with the disputed transaction, and with the two historical transactions.
You should see a dedicated area for CE3.0 submission in the evidence submission page for any Visa disputes with reason code 10.4.