You may encounter the following issues when generating and downloading reports in the Dashboard:
Long generation time
If a report is taking a long time to generate, this is likely because the file size is very large.
You may need to wait longer than usual.
If a report is too large to generate, you receive a No data
error message.
Try selecting a shorter timeframe, particularly for large reports – for example, the financial actions reports.
Download failure error
If you've successfully generated a report but the download fails or does not even start, it may be for the following reasons:
- You may have selected invalid fields when generating the report. Try generating the report again and ensure you select the correct fields.
- The Download button returns a pre-signed URL to the browser, so there may be a network problem on your side. Try to download the report again later.
file name
If you generated a report and the file name is Failed
on the All reports screen, this may be because the conditions for generating the report weren't met.
For example, you try to generate a Balance Report for today. However, this is not possible because Balance Reports can only be generated for the previous day or earlier.
Check the documentation for the specific report you're generating to ensure you're meeting the right conditions.