To set up a new URL on your account, contact our Support team and provide the following information:
- Legal Entity Information: Specify the legal entity if this URL belongs to a legal entity already under contract with
- New URL: Provide the new URL.
Business Details
- Line of business
- Estimated additional annual processing volumes or estimated annual volume increase ratio (new annual volumes to total annual processing volumes ratio)
- Estimated average ticket value/average order value
- Estimated high ticket value
- Fulfillment timeframe
- Rationale for the new URL
When contacting our Support Team, confirm whether you would like to set up the new URL as:
As a new processing channel under an existing business
For detailed instructions on how to add a new processing channel, refer to the article. - Under the existing processing channel(s) on your account
Next Steps
Once the change is verified, we will add the new URL to your account and notify you accordingly.