As part of your application to become a customer, we will ask you for specific information to verify any accounts you request to settle funds into based on the settlement currencies you select. This includes:
- Account owner name
- Account owner address
- Bank name
- Bank address
- Bank account details (e.g., IBAN, SWIFT BIC, account number, sort code)
- Bank account statement
You will also need to select a default currency in which we will convert and settle any payments you receive outside your verified settlement sub-accounts.
Guidelines for bank account statements
To complete your bank account verification, you need to provide us with a statement from your bank which we can use to match against the details you have provided in your application form. Merchants with UK bank accounts may be able to verify them by only providing their bank details.
Your bank statement should include the following:
- Account owner name
- Bank name
- All relevant account details which could be a combination of the following:
- Account number
- Sort code
- Bank routing number
- Contain transactions dated within the last three months.
We do not accept bank statements that are:
- Blurry/fuzzy
- Cropped
- Photoshopped
- Out of date
- Missing key information outlined above
We may require additional information from you if you wish to:
- Settle funds in a country different to your legal entity’s primary place of business
- Settle funds to a bank account of a third party irrespective of the jurisdiction
We do not accept bank letters or void cheques as alternatives. If your bank accounts are new and do not contain any transaction data yet, contact your sales representative so they can assist you with providing an alternative form of bank account proof.