You can find the Acquirer Reference Number (ARN) for a payment in the Payments section of your Dashboard or in the Payments API.
In the Dashboard
To find the ARN:
- Sign in to the Dashboard.
- Go to Payments > Processing > All Payments.
- Select the payment for which you need the ARN number.
In the Payment timeline section, expand the corresponding payment action.
You can view the ARN number in the summary that opens.
Using the Payments API
For those cases where the ARN is not available through the Dashboard, you can find the ARN in the response of the get payment actions endpoint, as well as in the `payment_captured` and `payment_refunded` webhook notifications.
If you cannot find the ARN in the Dashboard or by using the API, get in touch with our Support team to get further assistance.
To help your customer trace a transaction, share the ARN with them. The customer's bank can use the ARN to track the payment flow.
If you need proof of capture, contact our Support team.