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Required verification information for EEA businesses

Required information

Business information

If your business is registered in the EEA, then you need to provide the following information:

  • legal name
  • trading name
  • legal entity type
  • registered address
  • principal address
  • certificate of Incorporation (CoI)
  • financial information (annual processing volume, highest transaction value, average sales price)
  • company Ultimate Beneficial Owner's (UBO) personal information and proof of identification
  • authorized signatory

Authorized signatory and Ultimate Beneficial Owner

You must assign one representative as an authorized signatory. An authorized signatory is the key decision-maker for the business. The assigned authorized signatory may also be an Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO). Therefore, two possible role combinations are:

  • an authorized signatory who is a UBO, and up to three other UBOs, or
  • an authorized signatory who is not a UBO, and up to four UBOs

If you are a sole trader registered in the EEA, then you need to provide the following information:

  • your first and last names
  • trading name
  • your place of birth
  • your date of birth
  • registered address
  • proof of identification

Bank account information

You will need to add a bank account to get paid, regardless of your business type.

For example, if you are adding a France/EUR bank account, then you need to provide the following information:

  • IBAN
  • Swift BIC
  • bank account document

Acceptable document types for verification document uploads

Each uploaded document must meet certain standards in order to be accepted for verification:

Document type Valid document types Document standards
Proof of identity document
  • passport
  • European national identity or citizenship card with photo (both sides)
  • European driving licence with photo (both sides)
  • European residence permit with photo (both sides)
  • European electoral ID with photo (both sides)
  • cannot be a photo of a photo (for example, a photo of a document on a computer screen)
  • must be clear and large enough to read (fuzzy documents are not accepted)
  • must be colored (no black-and-white scans)
  • must be complete (for example, all four corners must be visible)
  • must not be expired
  • must not be forged
Company document
  • Certificate of Incorporation (CoI)
  • Memorandum of Association (MoA) or Articles of Association (AoA)
  • Ownership structure (if not found in MoA or AoA)
  • CoI must be less than three months old
  • MoA or AoA must be the latest certified versions
  • ownership structure must be certified by a Competent Authority (for example, a Notary, Lawyer, Solicitor, or Qualified Chartered Accountant) and dated within three months of submission
Financial document
  • income statement
  • balance sheet
  • statement of cash flow
  • statement of retained earnings
  • cannot be a photo of a photo (for example, a photo of a document on a computer screen)
  • must be clear and large enough to read (fuzzy documents are not accepted)
  • must be complete (no trimming of document)
  • must be latest available version
Bank account document
  • bank statement
  • cannot be a photo of a photo (for example, a photo of a document on a computer screen)
  • must be clear and large enough to read (fuzzy documents are not accepted)
  • must be complete (no trimming of document)

Proof of address document (if needed)

  • bank or credit card statement containing name and residential address
  • local authority tax bill
  • social security
  • tax documents (for example, tax assessment, statement of account, notice of coding)
  • utility bill (for example, gas, electric, notice of coding, or benefits letters from government authorities)
  • local authority tax bill and any tax documents must be from the current tax year
  • utility bill, bank statement, social security, and other benefits letters must be from the past three months


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