Required information
Business information
If your business is registered in the UK, then you need to provide the following information:
- legal name
- trading name (doing business as)
- registered address
- principal address
- company Ultimate Beneficial Owner's (UBO) personal information
If you are a sole trader registered in the UK, then you need to provide only the following information:
- your first and last names
- trading name
- your date of birth
- registered address
Bank account information
You will need to add a bank account to get paid, regardless of your business type.
For example, if you are adding a UK GBP bank account, then you need to provide the following information:
- account number
- sort code
- bank statement document
Supporting documents if verification action is required
You will not be required to upload any supporting documents with your initial application. If is unable to verify your business details, then you may be asked to provide these supporting documents for us to continue verification:
- proof of identification
- company documentation
- proof of address
Acceptable document types for verification document uploads
Each uploaded document must meet certain standards in order to be accepted for verification:
Document types | Valid document types | Document standards |
Identity document |
Company document |
Bank account document |
Proof of address document (if needed) |